network "Musées de l'Europe"




On the European level, the European Council of History Museums has launched a multi-annual programme called EUROCLIO so as to raise awareness on questions of European identity and heritage.
The European Commission has offered support for the project under "Culture 2000". An inventory of history museums in Europe (HISTEUROPA database) has thus been started. A scientific review is also published presenting comparative history studies (COMPARARE). Finally, this program gathers all energies towards activities for a broad general public, such as the "festival exhibition" Your history is our history and Everyone is a stranger somewhere.

Your history is our history, a new museum project, highlights the issue of interaction between the living memories of different European cities and present subjects ranging from youth to cooking and music. This work is available on loan and has toured from Finland and Luxembourg to Liverpool and Bonn.

For more information:

Please contact: Marie-Paule Jungblut

Everyone is a stranger somewhere is a touring exhibition focusing on the notion of otherness in Europe. Europe differs from other continents by its mixed nationalities, languages and cultures. Yet, the feeling of otherness or differences is a true European experience in the right and in the wrong way. This exhibition is a living invitation to tolerance and mutual understanding focusing upon unity behing the European diversity.

More information on this event will soon be available on under the heading euromag

For more information: Haus der Geschichte

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